Last Update: Jul 10, 2024
A Descriptive Study of PIK3CA Mutations and Outcomes With Alpelisib in Patients With HR-positive and HER2-negative Advanced Breast Cancer (ABC)/ Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC) in India Identifier:
Novartis Reference Number:CBYL719CIN02
All compounds are either investigational or being studied for (a) new use(s). Efficacy and safety have not been established. There is no guarantee that they will become commercially available for the use(s) under investigation.

Study Description

SPEAR is a non-interventional / observational, prospective, multicenter study planned to
be conducted across ~ 30 sites in India, among HR-positive and HER2-negative ABC/MBC
patients. This being a non-interventional study, no investigational drug or intervention
will be administered as a part of the study participation. All the therapeutic decisions,
as well as the type and timing of disease monitoring, laboratory tests or medical
procedures will be at the discretion of the treating physician and upon patient's
consent. No visits will be scheduled as a part of this non-interventional study, however,
data by visits for variables will be collected for all the enrolled patients. Overall, this study will have 2 parts (Part A and Part B). However, it is to be noted
that, these parts (Part A and Part B) are independent of each other and can run in
parallel. The purpose of the Part A of study is to determine the proportion of PIK3CA
mutation positive patients among the HR-positive and HER2-negative ABC/MBC diagnosed
patients in India. The Part B of the study aims to evaluate the clinical effectiveness
and tolerability of alpelisib plus fulvestrant among men, pre-menopausal women (ovarian
ablation) or post-menopausal women who are PIK3CA mutation positive patients with
HR-positive and HER2-negative ABC/MBC diagnosis among Indian population, in the
real-world setting.

Part A- This will involve enrolling of approximately 1200 patients (males,
post-menopausal women or pre-menopausal women who are receiving ovarian ablation) with a
documented diagnosis of HR-positive HER2-negative ABC/MBC. The data on PIK3CA mutation
status will be collected only for those patients who signs ICF for participation in the
study. Once, patient signs ICF, their samples will be sent for PIK3CA mutation status
testing, that will be performed at central laboratory and the results on mutation status
will be reported to the investigator.

Part B- This part aims to enroll approximately 200 patients who are PIK3CA mutation
positive. The patients enrolled into the Part B of the study can either be continued from
Part A of the study or be a direct enrollment into the Part B of the study. For the
patient's entering directly into Part B of the study, positive PIK3CA status should be
available prior to study entry. All the patients entering into part B of the study must
be alpelisib treatment naïve. The patients enrolled into Part B of the study, should have
already been planned to receive treatment with alpelisib plus fulvestrant, based on their
treating physician's discretion and upon patient's consent. The treatment decision by the
physician are to be made independent of the patient's inclusion in this observational
study. During the Part B of the study, data by visits for variables will be collected for
the enrolled patients at every 3 months interval (±1 month), if feasible or until a
maximum of 24 months observational period or lost to follow-up (End-of-study [EoS]
assessment will be performed), or death, or disease progression, whichever occurs first.

Breast Cancer
Oct 27, 2021
Sep 30, 2025
18 Years - 100 Years (Adult, Older Adult)



alpelisib plus fulvestrant

Prospective observational study. There is no treatment allocation. Patients administered alpelisib plus fulvestrant, that have started before inclusion of the patient into the study will be enrolled.

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:


1. Males (≥18 years of age), post-menopausal* females or pre-menopausal** females with
ovarian ablation (as per physician decision).

2. Patients with confirmed diagnosis of ABC/MBC (locoregionally recurrent not amenable
to curative therapy or metastatic)

3. Patient with histologically and/or cytologically confirmed diagnosis of HR-positive
(ER+ and/or PgR+), as well as HER2-negative breast cancer by local laboratory (HER2-
by Immunohistochemistry [IHC], for borderline2+ Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization

4. A separate signed patient ICF for Part A of the study must be obtained prior to any
data collection and sample shipment to the central designated laboratory

5. Patient's tumor tissue (archival or fresh) is available to be sent to a central
laboratory for PIK3CA testing. In case, tissue sample (archival or fresh) is not
available or feasible, liquid biopsy may be allowed.


1. Males (≥18 years of age), post-menopausal* females or pre-menopausal** females with
ovarian ablation (as per physician decision).

2. Patients with confirmed diagnosis of ABC/MBC (locoregionally recurrent not amenable
to curative therapy or metastatic) - for direct enrollment patients into Part B of
the study.

3. Patient with histologically and/or cytologically confirmed diagnosis of HR-positive
(ER+ and/or PgR+), as well as HER2-negative breast cancer by local laboratory (HER2-
by Immunohistochemistry [IHC], for borderline2+ Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization
[FISH]) - for direct enrollment patients into Part B of the study.

4. Participants with confirmed positive PIK3CA mutation status prior to study entry.

5. A separate signed ICF for Part B of the study must be obtained by all the patients,
prior to any data collection, irrespective of patients who are being enrolled from
Part A of the study or who are being enrolled directly into Part B of the study.

6. Physician decision to treat patients with alpelisib plus fulvestrant, according to
the prescribing label and the local practicing guidelines.

7. Patient should be alpelisib treatment naïve.

Exclusion Criteria:


1. Prior or current enrollment in any interventional clinical trial for ABC/MBC.



1. Patients' who had prior or current exposure to alpelisib or had prior or current
exposure to any other PIK3CA inhibitor should be excluded.

2. Known hypersensitivity to alpelisib or fulvestrant, or to any of the excipients of
alpelisib or fulvestrant.

3. Participant with type I or uncontrolled type II diabetes mellitus (HbA1c >7, [as per
ADA/ACP guidelines 2020]).

4. Participant has a history of severe cutaneous reactions like
Stevens-Johnson-Syndrome (SJS), Erythema Multiforme (EM), Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis
(TEN), or Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS).

5. Participant has documented pneumonitis/interstitial lung disease which is active and
requiring treatment.

6. Participant with unresolved osteonecrosis of the jaw.

7. Participant reports history of acute pancreatitis within 1 year of screening or past
medical history of chronic pancreatitis, major surgery, any relevant medical
condition, gastrointestinal (GI) condition preventing absorption, Child Pugh score B
or C etc.

Worldwide Contacts

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Novartis Pharmaceuticals