Last Update: Jul 09, 2024
A Multi-center, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Parallel-group Phase IIIb Study Evaluating the Effect of Inclisiran on Atherosclerotic Plaque Progression Assessed by Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography (CCTA) in Participants With a Diagnosis of Non-obstructive Coronary Artery Disease Without Previous Cardiovascular Events (VICTORION-PLAQUE) Identifier:
Novartis Reference Number:CKJX839D12303
All compounds are either investigational or being studied for (a) new use(s). Efficacy and safety have not been established. There is no guarantee that they will become commercially available for the use(s) under investigation.

Study Description

CKJX839D12303 is a research study to determine if the study treatment, called inclisiran,
in comparison to placebo taken in addition to statin medication can effectively reduce
the total amount of plaque formed in the heart's vessels as measured by coronary computed
tomography angiography (CCTA) from baseline to month 24. This study is being conducted in
eligible participants with a diagnosis of non-obstructive coronary artery disease
(NOCAD), where the coronary arteries are blocked less than 50%, and with no previous
cardiovascular events. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of inclisiran compared to placebo
on top of maximally tolerated dose of statin therapy in reducing total coronary atheroma
volume assessed by CCTA in participants with a diagnosis of Non-Obstructive Coronary
Artery Disease (NOCAD) without previous cardiovascular events, who have an LDL-C ≥55
mg/dL (1.4 mmol//L), no significant pressure drop in Fractional Flow Reserve Computed
Tomography (FFRCT) and a CT-adapted Leaman score >5 despite the use of maximally
tolerated statin therapy(and if applicable, another LLT on top of statin therapy for at
least 30 days in up to 20% of randomized participants).

Coronary Artery Disease
Jul 08, 2022
Jan 25, 2027
18 Years - 80 Years (Adult, Older Adult)



Inclisiran sodium 300 mg

Subcutaneously administered on Days 1, Month 3 (Day 90), and every 6 months thereafter.


Subcutaneously administered on Day 1, Month 3 (Day 90), and every 6 months thereafter.

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- Male or female ≥18 years or ≤80 years of age at signing of informed consent.

- Fasting LDL-C local lab value at the Screening Visit of either i) ≥100 mg/dL (2.6
mmol/L) if on statin therapy but not on a maximally tolerated statin therapy; ii)
≥150 mg/dL (3.9mmol/L) if statin naive and without documented statin intolerance; or
iii) ≥55 mg/dL (1.4 mmol/L) if on a stable (≥4 weeks) dose of maximally tolerated
statin therapy or if statin intolerant.

- Fasting LDL-C local lab value ≥55 mg/dL (1.4 mmol/L) at the assessment performed
during the Statin Optimization Period 3 Visit for participants going through the
Statin Optimization Period.

- Participants having NOCAD without previous cardiovascular events: NOCAD is defined

1. Participant with CT-adapted Leaman score >5. and a diameter stenosis <50% or

2. Participants with a CT-adapted Leaman score >5, a diameter stenosis ≥50% but
with FFRCT ≥0.76.

- A standard of care CCTA may serve as the study baseline CCTA scan if it is performed
within 3 months prior to the participant's Screening Visit and meets the inclusion
criteria of FFRct >0.8 and CT-adapted Leaman score >5, which will be assessed by the
Imaging Core Lab.

- At the Baseline Visit, participants must be on a stable (≥4 weeks) dose of maximally
tolerated statin therapy. Participants not on maximally tolerated statin therapy and
who do not have documented statin intolerance can be screened but must enter the
study via a Statin Optimization Period.

- Fasting LDL-C lab value ≥55 mg/dL (1.4 mmol/L) at the Baseline Visit, measured at
the central laboratory. If the Baseline and Screening Visits occur on the same day,
then the LDL-C assessment will be assessed on the central laboratory sample. If a
participant qualifies at Screening but the fasting central lab LDL-C value at the
Baseline visit does not meet eligibility, then eligibility will be determined based
on the central lab result.

- Fasting triglycerides value <400 mg/dL (4.52 mmol/L) based on the local lab results
at the Screening visit and on the central lab results at the CCTA visit.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Previous cardiovascular events history including myocardial infarction (MI), or
prior coronary revascularization [percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) or
coronary artery bypass graft (CABG)].

- Planned revascularization (PCI) or (CABG).

- Previous cerebrovascular events including:

- Prior ischemic stroke thought not to be caused by atrial fibrillation, valvular
heart disease or mural thrombus.

- History of prior percutaneous or surgical carotid artery revascularization.

- History of Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD):

- Prior documentation of a resting ankle-brachial index <0.85.

- History of prior percutaneous or surgical revascularization of an iliac,
femoral, or popliteal artery.

- Prior non-traumatic amputation of a lower extremity due to peripheral artery

- Cardiac disorders, including any of the following:

- Clinically significant cardiac arrhythmias (e.g., ventricular tachycardia,
atrial fibrillation) within 3 months prior to randomization that is not
controlled by medication or via ablation at the time of the Screening Visit.

- Complete left bundle branch block, high-grade atrioventricular (AV) block
(e.g., bifascicular block, Mobitz type II and third-degree AV block) prior to

- Contraindication for CCTA (e.g., allergic reactions to the contrast dye) or CCTA not
meeting entry standards after two attempts during the Baseline CCTA Visit as
assessed by the Imaging Core Lab.

- Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) in situ.

- Systolic Left Ventricle Ejection Fraction <30% at the Screening Visit.

- Uncontrolled severe hypertension: systolic blood pressure >180 mmHg or diastolic
blood pressure >110 mmHg prior to randomization (assessed at the Screening Visit)
despite antihypertensive therapy.

- Heart failure New York Heart Association (NYHA) class III or class IV at the
Screening Visit.

- Renal insufficiency (eGFR <30 mL/min/1.73m2) as measured by the Modification of Diet
in Renal Disease (MDRD) formula at the Screening Visit and at the Statin
Optimization 3 Visit.

- Active liver disease defined as any known current infectious, neoplastic, or
metabolic pathology of the liver at the Screening Visit.

- Local creatine kinase (CK) values of either, unless a more stringent threshold is
mandated by a local regulatory authority

- Local CK values ≥5x ULN at the Statin Optimization 3 Visit unless a more stringent
threshold is mandated by a local regulatory authority

- Participant with myopathy at the Statin Optimization 3 Visit.

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Novartis Pharmaceuticals